
Patient Testimonials


Its an amazing treatment, definitely a value for money and time spent, above all the hardships of following strict diet will give definite results, should be recommended for all you know having any sent off ailments .I tried to loose weight and to stay healthy will all eventual methods. But all in vain. This one really works.



Lost few inches in a short time span, felt lighter, people are very caring & co-operative. Sleep has improved very well and feels more relaxed.


Treatment (Pancha karma) found to be very effective, supporting staff (doctors) including therapists are very cordial and taken care well during vamana/virechana/ snehapana/ massage. Good results for asthma problem.


I feel more energized and the pain has also been reduced, especially navara is rejuvenating.


I was not too thrilled about ayurveda and first couple days of treatment were challenging for me and i dint enjoy the dietary restrictions and stinky oils and pastes .But i started noticing the positive results in my skin (acne) ,digestion and energy level within few days .Now the medicines tastes a less bitter and I have begun to kind of like the funky smells of your product. Most of all my body feel more healthier, i have lost several inches and I am now brought into ayurveda, everyone here are incredibly sweet, kind and thoughtful, look forward to seeing...



Rajesh Rao

Well! I am a person suffering from ankylosing spondylitis where the entire back and neck becomes stiff. The one suffering from this problem cannot turn or bend at all. Fortunately with correct diagnosis of this disease by Dr. Anish, I am able to turn and bend today. May be not 100% but I have not become stiff. For the past 4 years, I am undergoing his treatment and feel better.

Gaurav Lakhina

I was suffering from acute headache and had visited several doctors, however none could diagnose the cause and hence could not provide any relief. Then I met Dr.Aneesh in nov 2015. He checked my pulse and could understand the problem in no time. He promised me to cure in 3 months. I was prescribed a tablet and within a day I had no headaches and cured within the time frames as promised. I like to thank Dr.Anish and his team for curing me and giving me a healthy life.