Sexual Health

Sexual Health

Ayurvedic Approach to Sexual Health at Kurias Earth Ayurveda Hospital

Declines in sexual performance due to psychological and physiological reasons are common to both sexes. Factors such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, aging, cyclic changes, and reduced hormonal production contribute to these issues. Sex (Maidhuna) is one of the three pillars of life in Ayurveda, along with food (Ahara) and sleep (Nidra), emphasizing its integral role in our lives beyond just a technical necessity.

In Ayurveda, the science of sexual function and reproduction is categorized under Vajikaran. Vajikaran focuses on the scientific and medical aspects of various sexual functions and dysfunctions. It correlates sexual medicine with rejuvenating or geriatric medicine, addressing both preventive and curative aspects of sexual problems. Ayurvedic treatment aims to balance body energies through a balanced diet, while stress and anxiety are managed with rejuvenating herbs, yoga, meditation, and counseling.

Ayurvedic Care Protocol at Kurias Earth Ayurveda Hospital Includes:

  • Balanced Diet: Tailored dietary recommendations to maintain the balance of body energies (doshas).
  • Rejuvenating Herbs: Administration of herbs known for their rejuvenating and stress-relieving properties.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Practices to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.
  • Counseling: Psychological support to address underlying emotional and mental health issues.

We Treat a Variety of Sexual Health Issues, Including:

  1. Premature Ejaculation
  2. Erectile Dysfunction
  3. Loss of Sexual Desire or Libido
  4. Menopause
  5. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
  6. Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  7. Semen Infection
  8. Infertility
  9. Night Fall (nocturnal emissions)
  10. Sexual Debility
  11. Azoospermia (absence of sperm) or Oligospermia (low sperm count)

At Kurias Earth Ayurveda Hospital, we offer a comprehensive and individualized approach to managing sexual health issues, focusing on restoring balance and improving overall well-being. Our therapies are designed to address the root causes of these conditions, enhance the body's natural defenses, and support the patient throughout their healing journey.