Teenage Problems

Teenage Problems

Teenage Problems

The teenage years are often marked by various challenges, including depression, drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, academic struggles, obesity, and violence. These issues not only affect the teenagers themselves but also impact their families and society at large. Adolescents experiencing these difficulties may show a lack of interest in their studies and face poor academic performance, leading to serious consequences if not addressed properly.

Symptoms of Teenage Problems

  • Physical sluggishness
  • Obesity
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Menstrual problems

Ayurvedic Treatments for Teenage Problems

  1. Sarvanga Abhyanga: Full body massage that cleanses the body, improves complexion, maintains skin softness, restores skin immunity, and reduces stress and strain.
  2. Shirodhara: Slow pouring of medicated liquids on the forehead to enhance memory and concentration, reduce body heat, and relieve anxiety.

These treatments aim to address physical and mental health issues in teenagers, promoting overall well-being and supporting a healthier transition through adolescence.