Pre & Post Maternity Packages

Pre & Post Maternity Packages

Ayurvedic Pre & Post Maternity Packages

Pregnancy is a transformative journey that encompasses three crucial stages: prenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care. Ensuring comprehensive care throughout these stages is essential for the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

In India, there is a growing trend towards cesarean deliveries and the use of painkillers, a shift from traditional practices that valued normal deliveries. This change, while sometimes necessary, can lead to complications and a loss of the natural benefits associated with normal childbirth. Addressing lifestyle changes and adopting proper prenatal and postnatal care can prevent many issues, supporting both a healthy pregnancy and recovery.

A normal, healthy delivery supports better lactation and the baby's growth, while effective postnatal care is crucial for the mother's recovery. Unfortunately, many women today do not receive adequate postnatal support, which can lead to premature aging, obesity, and overall weakness. Traditional knowledge of postnatal care, once passed down through generations, is often lost due to the modern shift away from joint family structures.

Natural delivery is inherently safer and less prone to complications than cesarean sections, which can lead to issues like post-operative adhesions, incisional hernias, and infections. Additionally, cesareans can sometimes impede successful breastfeeding.

Treatment Details

  • Abhyanga (Full Body Massage): Enhances relaxation, reduces muscle tension, and improves overall recovery by boosting circulation.
  • Udvartana (Herbal Powder Massage): Aids in detoxification, supports weight management, and enhances skin texture.
  • Kshira Dhara (Milk Pouring Therapy): Nourishes the skin, promotes relaxation, and aids in post-partum healing.
  • Shirodhara (Oil Pouring Therapy): Reduces stress, enhances mental clarity, and supports emotional well-being.
  • Yoni Pichu (Local Application of Oil): Supports healing and reduces discomfort in the vaginal area.
  • Basti (Herbal Enema Therapy): Balances doshas, aids in detoxification, and supports recovery.

These therapies are designed to support both physical and emotional recovery during the postnatal period, ensuring comprehensive care for new mothers.